Thanks Apex Police, EMS and Firefighters!

Apex Fire, Police and EMS are the Best! Thanks for your Service

As veterans in the US Army, my wife and I appreciate the way in which our community supports our family. Sometimes, even the smallest of things can be the greatest to those who receive them. Our Apex Police, EMS and firefighters are among the best in our country.

Thanks to Apex Dental Groups patients’ kind donations of water and my team’s hard work, Cindy and I delivered coolers and water to five fire stations, one police station and one EMS station. August can be one of the hottest summer months, having that water in an ice chest provides a little needed respite. 

Cindy Prepping for water delivery
Cindy Prepping for water delivery
Ready to go!
Ready to go!
Our bad selfie!
Our bad selfie!
Car is loaded to the hilt.
Car is loaded to the hilt.

I learned a lot on Friday 3 August, 2018 about what a great job our responders do and how well Apex’s town managers have organized our emergency system. What’s even more impressive is how fast we are growing – 10 new residents a day (fastest town growth in the US) and our managers have kept up with emergency services for our residents! I’d like to share a few personal stories about our emergency service team.

Our newest! Fire Station 5.
Our newest! Fire Station 5.
Grand tour. With all the rain, they loaded their water rescue in the back.
Grand tour. With all the rain, they loaded their water rescue in the back.
View from back seat of the Fire Truck! Computerized and state of the art. Go Apex!
View from back seat of the Fire Truck! Computerized and state of the art. Go Apex!

 A few years ago, our neighbor two houses down had a lightning strike on their house from an incredibly powerful storm. They were downstairs together, I believe they were watching TV and about 10 minutes later noticed water coming into the room. At about the same time, another neighbor noticed that their house was on fire and our emergency services went into action. EMS and emergency vehicles were on the scene in minutes. Once the fire department arrived, they moved all the furniture and valuables to the middle of the room, tarped their belongings to protect them from the impending water deluge and then began to extinguish the roaring fire. They saved family valuables and memories that may have been lost. How amazing is the organization and training of our EMS and fire fighters!

Neighbor’s Fire
Neighbor’s Fire

About 1 year into starting the dental practice, my office alarm went off about 1:00 am in the morning. I arrived to find several Police officers searching the area and evaluating the situation. Someone tried to break in the back door of our office and were scared away by the alarm and the quick response of our Police department. The response time and attention to detail was super!

I have one final story to tell about our heroic police and investigative team before I go. One extremely hot summer about 10 years ago, I entered my office and wondered why my office was so hot. I checked the fuses and checked out to see the the AC units were running, and to my surprise, one unit was gone! Other residents of our complex had their units stolen as well.

The police department came immediately, and they sent out their investigative team to document the crimes. They took fingerprint samples and photos to help them in solving the crime. The thieves were stealing units to obtain and sell the copper in them, and they were eventually caught due to Apex’s Polices investigative efforts!

Cindy turning herself in at the Apex Police Station.
Cindy turning herself in at the Apex Police Station.
Great display case reviewing Apex Police’s History
Great display case reviewing Apex Police’s History

While visiting each station to deliver the water, I noticed that our emergency services team members are professional, courteous, respectful and dedicated. Cindy and I were able to meet many of members. They gave us tours of their facilities, described what they do, and how they function as a team. We were there to help them, but they went above and beyond to show us what they do! It merely reinforces my experiences as a resident and how proud we are of them. Again, thanks to our Emergency Services. I encourage others in our community to support them.

Our first Stop Fire Station 3. We got a little wet
Our first Stop Fire Station 3. We got a little wet
All delivered
All delivered
Fire Station 4. Great looking team!
Fire Station 4. Great looking team!
We had to spice up the photo. 😀
We had to spice up the photo. 😀
Apex EMS. Everyone else was out working.
Apex EMS. Everyone else was out working.
Fire Station 1 Downtown Apex. Everyone seems to out on calls…….
Fire Station 1 Downtown Apex. Everyone seems to out on calls…….
Reliving my childhood dreams……..
Reliving my childhood dreams……..
The best tour guides and Firefighters
The best tour guides and Firefighters
Fire station 2 with more water rescue!
The best tour guides and Firefighters
I spent about 45 minutes talking with the team. What an awesome group!
I spent about 45 minutes talking with the team. What an awesome group!

Apex Fire, Police and EMS are the Best!
Thanks for your Service

Thanks again! Let me know how you like our blog.